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2015 » August » 11
'Check Engine' Indication Lamp goes ON
Check Engine' Indication Lamp which is also known as 'Malfunction Indicator Lamp' (MIL) is a safety device for the vehicle's user (driver) that something is not right under the hood. The only way to detect the fault and finally reset the fault is by using a diagnostic OBD2 scanner. All cars from 1996 onwards use the second generation OBD2 software system (On-Board Diagnostic II system). Today's cars are all controlled through a Power Control Module (PCM), also known as the electronic Engine Management System (EMS) - which is your engine's computer. Europeans refer to this as the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) - which is the same thing. So if an MIL light goes on you will have two options:
Poor vehicle acceleration
Rough engine idling
Higher than normal fuel consumptions
The most common and probable causes for these symptoms might be through oxygen sensors' codes (P0130 - P0167) or
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