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2015 » February » 11
What to Do When You Don't Have Collision Insurance? Drivers in the United States are required to have basic insurance on their vehicles. However, if the car is paid off, then collision coverage (coverage that pays to fix any damage to your vehicle in the event of an accident) is optional. If you don't have collision coverage, there are steps to take to get your damages covered if an accident occurs. Documentation Use the camera on your cell phone or grab a camera from a nearby store to preserve visual representation of what happened. If you don't have access to a camera, jot down as much information as you can, such as the accident location, the name of the other driver and their insurance carrier, when the accident occurred, the name of any police officer that responds, and a description of damages. If a police officer is called, have the officer read over your notes and verify them with a signature and a short sentence that says the information is accurate--this will h
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