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2015 » May » 13
Definitions: Automated Manual Transmission Pros: Superior fuel economy,acceleration and responsiveness when properly tuned. Cons: Pricey;can be clumsy at low speeds and when parking autel. Summary: If you're shopping for a car and you see the term"automated manual transmission"(or sometimes"automated-clutch manual transmission"),it refers to a transmission that's mechanically similar to a stick-shift,except a computer performs the clutch work. To be clear,an automated manual transmission (AMT) doesn't have a clutch pedal;there's only an accelerator and a brake pedal,just like a regular automatic. And if you leave an AMT in D mode,it basically performs like an automatic transmission -- all you have to do is worry about when to start and when to stop. Accordingly,some AMT drivers may actually believe they're driving a traditional automatic. But there are some important differences that informed car shopp
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