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2015 » March » 05
Causes and Effects of Traffic Accidents Traffic accidents can be caused by a number of factors,including equipment malfunction as well as the actions of the driver,such as speeding or aggressive behaviors like tailgating or unsafe lane changes. The consequences of traffic accidents depend on variables such as the impact,number of vehicles involved and if vehicle occupants were protected by safety belts and/or air bags. Distracted Drivers Distracted driving involves any nondriving activity that causes drivers not to pay full attention to their driving,including manual,visual and cognitive activities. Drivers that take their hands off of the wheel to turn the radio station,send text messages,eat or groom them increase their risk of causing traffic accidents. Talking on cell phones or other passengers,looking at a map or using a navigational system are all distractions that cause traffic accidents as well. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration,nearly al
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