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2015 » January » 05
Battery Basics: A Layman's Guide to Batteries If you have done any research on how batteries work or what you should look for when selecting a battery, you are probably buried in information, some of which is conflicting. At BatteryStuff, we aim to clear that up a have most likely heard the term . (Keep It Simple, Stupid). I am going to attempt to explain how lead acid batteries work and what they need without burying you with a bunch of needless technical data. I have found that battery data will vary somewhat from manufacturer to manufacturer, So where did the sulfur go? It is resting on the battery plates and when you recharge the battery, the sulfur returns to the electrolyte. 1. Safety 2. Battery types, Deep Cycle and Starting 3. Wet Cell, Gel-Cell and Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) 4. CCA, CA, AH and RC; what's that all about? 5. Battery Maintenance 6. Battery Testing 7. Selecting and Buying a New Battery 8. Battery Life and Performance 9. Battery Charging 10. Battery Do'
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